Not so tickled
Jonathan Peek takes in a night of comedy
Articles written by the Felix team
Jonathan Peek takes in a night of comedy
Umar Nasser talks about the controversy over "that" film over summer
Title says it all really. Here are the summer flicks, as watched by Felix Film
An editorial on tiredness, phones and their tenuous link to commentary, and the Imperial College Healthcare Trust
It's conference season and literally tens of people have followed them. Luckily for you, Padraic Calpin did...
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Stay with us for the latest developments as Alex Bellotti comments on Aaron Sorkin's return to the small screen
Marvin Tan Xing Haw, Physics student at Imperial, has applied for a patent for a novel way to make electricity
Ben Rayner ponders the future of printed music and the dominance of downloads
A review of the Union
Some interesting proposals were raised, after all
Shirley MacLaine received the American Film Institute's prestigious Life Achievement Award