Student’s death prompts riots at Ain Shams University, Cairo
Exams cancelled and student union disbands
Exams cancelled and student union disbands
Nick Farmer checks in at Debating Society’s public debate
Nick Farmer reports from Harlington, where RSM come from behind to retain the bottle
Nick Farmer doesn’t think that there’s any rationale in being Green
Nick Famer explores Imperial's sordid history
Nick Farmer responds to Felix's article about the Union's inaugural non-alcoholic night
This 80s gem comes to us from the scenic island of Jersey and stars good old Cornish boy John Nettles (now better known for top German TV hit, Midsummer Murders) as recovering alcoholic Jim Bergerac.
The most controversial of next year’s sabbatical officers is, no doubt, Chris Kaye. In an online media outlet that may never be named, we are told that the incoming Deputy President (Welfare) ran on a platform of a scaled back and cost-effective union, but is that really what we voted for?