Oscar Mitcham

Environment Editor

Oscar Mitcham
UKRI agrees to new standards for research funding

UKRI agrees to new standards for research funding

The Heidelberg Agreement on Environmental sustainability in Research Funding was published in October. The multi-stakeholder agreement was created by participants from nine European countries and endorsed by UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), among other funding organisations. The agreement sets out how funders can lead on sustainability. Research funding is a

By Oscar Mitcham

Updated Union sustainability plan shows progress

Kicking off the new academic year’s sustainability forums, Stephanie, Deputy President (Finance and Services), chaired November’s Union Sustainability Forum on Monday 18th. The forum was both a place for Stephanie to share updates from the Union, and for the various societies and campaign groups present to share their

By Oscar Mitcham
UNEP, WMO, and CCC call for action, but is anything different?

UNEP, WMO, and CCC call for action, but is anything different?

Ahead of each Climate Conference of the Parties, a slew of reports are released seeking to inform the proceedings. For example, the United Nations Environment Programme recently released their Emissions Gap Report 2024. Emissions Gap Reports are published ahead of each COP and assess the gap between pledged greenhouse gas

By Oscar Mitcham