Williamson launches free speech crusade
Gavin Williamson bravely stops the cultural Marxists from no-platforming speakers by no-platforming them
Gavin Williamson bravely stops the cultural Marxists from no-platforming speakers by no-platforming them
NegaFelix has got an exclusive sneak peak of the dating profiles of some of the country's leaders
The environmental protestors accused of digging a tunnel under Euston station have been hired by HS2 to speed up work
The crack team of NegaFelix analysts give you the top stock picks to make a guaranteed million with no risk
Negafelix is up to all sorts of trouble in this article.
NegaFelix, Psychic Reporter
Beve Stannon, Election Correspondent
Think you’re funny? Submit up to 3 funny captions to the above comic to felix@ic.ac.uk before 6pm on Wednesday 5th November.
The newest film suffered from “confused themes”, with 80% of its runtime to “nuanced discussions of yield curve risk and hedging strategies”.
Nicolas Geiseler-Toran's weekly comic
In a hotly anticipated press conference on Monday, NASA announced that the Moon (large, grey disc in the sky)was actually “much smaller and closer” than previously thought.