Write us a new play, Hal!
Running for just three nights at the Young Vic, this innovative performance workshop attempts to develop a play using machine and human intelligence.
Running for just three nights at the Young Vic, this innovative performance workshop attempts to develop a play using machine and human intelligence.
A modern retelling of Sophocles’s Philoctetes, Kae Tempest's new play at the National Theatre delights and disappoints in equal measure.
Lolita Chakrabarti's latest play, Hymn, is filled with joy, sorrow, and banging tunes!
800 words. 800 words written on an online website. 800 words extolling Tate Modern’s latest exhibition about Sophie Taeuber-Arp's work.
This sci-fi musical is a mixed bag but will leave you laughing!
Intelligent and nuanced, the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith reopens with three new plays.
Arts Editor Vaidhiswaran Ramesh reviews Tate Britains latest exhibition on the French master sculptor: The EY Exhibition: The Making of Rodin
A play about a play, Matt Wilkinson's monologue Psychodrama is as witty as it is perplexing.
As lockdown restrictions near their (hopefully) final end, the Vaudeville theatre played host to the ultimate post-lockdown variety show.
Your Deputy President (Welfare) talks about his ultimate passion - Eurovision
The man behind the myth
Public Domain ★ * What: Theatre * Where: Vaudeville Theatre * When: 27th May - 30th May 2021 * Cost: £10 Public domain markets itself as a “dark, funny, verbatim musical about the internet”. It aims to capture rare and chaotic nature of the internet as experienced by teenagers and millennials through the medium of