Rock Throughout the Ages
Felix looks back at everything rock-related in the last 70 years, from rock and roll to pop-punk, heavy metal to new wave, we have it all in our (extremely) condensed summary of rock!
Felix looks back at everything rock-related in the last 70 years, from rock and roll to pop-punk, heavy metal to new wave, we have it all in our (extremely) condensed summary of rock!
Following the brief histories of jazz and rock, Felix now takes a look at the history of electronic music
Music Editor and Hip Hop Soc President Asad Raja consulted with his society and rated the best albums of the decade
This week, to celebrate Felix’s anniversary, the music editors take us through the history of popular genres, starting with jazz
4.5 stars I don’t think I’d be offending anyone by saying that most listeners of electronic music focus more on singles than albums. When you listen to Hybrid Minds or Bicep you normally wouldn’t play the whole album start to finish. However, there are electronic albums
4.5 stars FKA twigs’ gig didn’t start until 9:30, by which point a large portion of the audience frustrated, having waited for over 2 hours. The curtains raised bit by bit, riling the crowd further. “This show had better be good” muttered someone behind me, thankfully, it
Olivier-award winning director Bijan Sheibani makes his playwriting debut with this thought-provoking examination of the gulf between nature and nurture
3.5 stars The greatest objection to God has always been emotional. While it is true that the debate over divine non-presence is clothed in the mild-breathed language of logicism and rationality, what stirs in us feeling enough to slacken faith and scorn perdition is the atrociousness of evil and
Last year, I was lucky enough to watch War Horse at the National Theatre, its return to the original National Theatre venue a celebration of the centenary of Armistice Day.I loved it so much the first time that I grabbed a different friend the next evening and ended up
4.5 stars Legend has it that the goddess of discord threw a golden apple into a crowd, bearing the inscription ‘for the most beautiful’. It was claimed by three goddesses, Athena, Hera and Aphrodite, and Zeus asked The Trojan prince Paris to make the final judgement. He chose Aphrodite,
4 stars I live with medics, and from the way they go on, one could be forgiven for thinking that the last thing that any of them want is to be a doctor. Which is why it is so funny that the ICSM medics chose to put on Tiger Country
5 stars Shook is as close to a perfect play that I think I have ever seen. Set in a prison classroom, three convicts, all with pregnant girlfriends, are receiving lessons on how to be fathers. Opening with rapid wit and banter the play first comes across as an entertaining