Every day I’m hustlin’
“Thank god for me”, says Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence), after setting fire to her brand new microwave, ignoring her husband’s advice to not put something metallic in there.
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“Thank god for me”, says Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence), after setting fire to her brand new microwave, ignoring her husband’s advice to not put something metallic in there.
Lynch is the master of creating unsettling dreamlike visions and the surreal. He has written and directed cult classics such as Eraserhead (1977), Blue Velvet (1986) and Mulholland Drive (2001).
There are a many strange things about trying to decide who is the ‘best actor’ because whatever performance they give is through the lens of a director and rewritten by the editor.
If the single word that makes up this article’s title is the one thing you took away from watching Mary Poppins then you may be surprised to know that the jolly word would have most likely induced a deep frown of disapproval from the author of the book itself, P. L. Travers (Emma Thompson).
So it’s been about a year since the first Hunger Games film made its debut, however, the second one in the series catches up with the protagonists before a whole year has passed for them.
The example above shows a script that is clearly not one which will stop denigration of women in films. It does however pass the Bechdel Test.
Remember how awful it is when an American actor tries to unsuccessfully imitate an English accent? Well here is the perfect example of where the opposite has gone completely wrong.
Latest adaptation of Dracula has yet to impress
What starts off promisingly enough heads for a rapid decline in quality when director Luc Besson doesn’t quite know what to do with the impressive cast he has assembled.
There are far better movies out there that are based on the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy.
Tom Rivlin brings us the very first Cartoon Corner!
On paper, The Counsellor should be perfect. Cormac McCarthy’s first original screenplay (a few of his other books have been adapted into screenplays – notably No Country for Old Men and The Road), directed by Ridley Scott, the genius behind Alien and the man with such a passion for McCarthy’s...