Wilfred - bizarre humour has a new leash of life
Human-like dogs and more in one of the BBC's latest comedies
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Human-like dogs and more in one of the BBC's latest comedies
Well, they’re in The Thick of It now...
Channel 4 mix science and not in a delicious documentary
Move over Edward, there's a proper vampire in town
Tim Arbabzadah reviews a number of less well-known shows
Silly anime gets the thumbs up from Maciej Matuszewski
Maciej Matuszewski is drawn back into the boardroom
Any more punny headlines and I'll be forced to hand myself in...
Henry Turner-Chambers finds an infectious afternoon's entertainment with Steven Soderbergh's Contagion
Fiona Calcutt has some timely advice for those times behind the sofa
A controversial theme gives way to a resolutely feel-good film
Jerzy Hoffman fails to prove himself with his latest release