Quick and easy
No, I’m not describing one of your sexcapades – that would lose me my job. Here’s a simple weeknight recipe for something you can really call home cooking.
No, I’m not describing one of your sexcapades – that would lose me my job. Here’s a simple weeknight recipe for something you can really call home cooking.
In the age of Deliveroo and convenience foods, why should you cook at all? felix finds how the easiest way to connect with people isn’t in Metric or Nandos – it’s over your stovetop (wine helps too).
felix rolls out pasta with a Michelin star chef, and investigates the finest that Theo’s Simple Italian has to offer – none of it simple, but all widely Italian and full of fantastic flavours, with ravioli, tiramisu and more
felix visits the refined Camino for a relaxed brunch of spanish delights, with crisp Patatas Bravas, inky Arroz Negor and Baby squid. Oh, and a bottle of cava for good measure.
felix goes on a French adventure to Casse-Croûte, Bermondsey, and manages to successfully order delicious food without really understanding the menu.
FELIX attends a cocktail launch at Shoryu SoHo
FELIX explores the secret eats in this charming neighbourhood
FELIX visits WA café, a Japanese pâtissierie in Ealing Broadway
FELIX visits BAO, the hip Taiwanese restaurant in SoHo
FELIX presents your guide to the best doughnuts in London
FELIX visits The Muffin Man Tea Shop for afternoon tea.
FELIX reviews Maitre Choux, a snazzy patisserie in South Kensington