
Dog days are over, It’s cat time

We are back. Limping off the printing press and accusations of being old fashioned we are back. This is in a large part due to you. I must thank everyone who answered the survey put out for the Felix consultation review. Seeing the response and people’s genuine investment and love of the paper was very meaningful for me and everyone else who puts time in each week to get the paper out. 

I want you to know as well that we have taken on board what you told us in your responses. We will renew our efforts to bring you news that is both useful to know and interesting to read. 

That is why I am pleased to announce that the sex servey will once again be running this year. 

The survey has been a lot of things in its history of running and having been able to oversee two of them now I have see my fair share. 

This year we will be trying to address the complexity of sex, relationships, love and lust. We hope that you will complete the survey and we look forward to bringing you the results back in our usual beautiful graph format. 

From Issue 1772

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