
Look On His Works, “Ye” Mighty, and Despair

...and at the hilarious (yet concering) state of Kanye West's Instagram

Look On His Works, “Ye” Mighty, and Despair

This is what I know about Kanye West: he raps. His name is not Kanye West. It’s Ye. Ye is separated from his wife, Kim Kardashian, who is now dating Pete Davidson. Kim Kardashian and Ye have a daughter named North. Ye hates a lot of people including Taylor Swift, Drake, and recently, Billie Eilish. Ye ran for president of the United States of America in 2020 and intends on running again in 2024. I didn’t know, however, that Ye has been a walking meme on social media, and this has recently been upscaled by Pete Davidson’s entrance into his life. 

Ye’s obsession with Pete Davidson (and friends, like Kid Cudi who Ye has previously collaborated with)and his unwelcome intrusion into his nonexistent familial life has since become an incredible source of entertainment for me. His posts about Pete Davidson refer to him as “Skete”, as evidenced by the fact that the word has reached its peak Google Search Trends popularity since February 13 2022, having never really seen the light of day on the search engine before. In fact, when a Redditor messaged Ye on Instagram claiming “I HEARD DEE HAD SOME INFO ON SKETE!”, Ye asked who “Dee” was and to “please give me his @”. Of course, the Redditor replied with “DEEZ NUTZ” and Ye told him to “find god [sic]”. 

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Photo: kanyewest/Instagram

As much as I wanted to discuss his long spam of Instagram posts on this article, I’m sorry to say they’re long gone. If you’re looking for any of the posts I reference in this article, please know you’re likely not going to find them. Ye spams his Instagram and almost immediately deletes the posts. While I write this article, Ye’s new post is telling people to “stop telling fathers they should have fought harder to see their children & start asking mothers why he had to fight at all.” Of course, I can’t prove this because it’s gone. 

Needless to say, it’s (y)easy to forget that although you could spend hours on r/Kanye laughing at his antics, his constant rants on social media are indicative of a nearly pathological need to shame Kim Kardashian as a wife and a mother while harassing anyone who so much as lays eyes on poor Skete. This is not helped by the fact that a significant fraction of his fans genuinely consider him a genius and encourage him to continue making mistakes and learning about the world. An interesting defence of his actions involves him having bipolar disorder, which doesn’t quite excuse his statements and, to some degree, encourages thinking of bipolarity as completely debilitating an individual’s sense of logic, empathy, and ability to be a decent human being.

From Issue 1793

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