
Music of the Week (18/02/22)

The world's biggest band, 'Sort of Stranger' and Dr Dre

Music of the Week (18/02/22)

Don’t miss the gig - The World’s Biggest Big Band @ The Great Hall, Saturday 19th March

Imperial College Big Band are teaming up with the Syd Lawrence Orchestra to form “THE WORLD’S BIGGEST BIG BAND” under the direction of Chris Dean. Get your tickets on the Union website!

Single of the Week:

‘Sort Of Stranger’ by The Greeting Committee & Briston Maroney

The first single from the expanded edition of The Greeting Committee’s sophomore album, Dandelion (Deluxe) lives up to the original cut of the album. The track is an evocative continuation of the sadness and longing that have already been thoroughly explored now enhanced with Maroney’s smooth-as-honey drawl.

Today in Music History

Today was a big day for births in the world of music. In 1964, Dr. Dre of N.W.A. was born. He went on to win 6 Grammy awards and launch his own headphone range. American football fans might have seen him performing at the Super Bowl halftime show last Sunday too.

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