University Challenge: Imperial thrashes Lincoln College
Imperial has progressed to the third round of University Challenge, after coasting to victory against Lincoln College, Oxford.
Imperial has progressed to the third round of University Challenge, after coasting to victory against Lincoln College, Oxford.
The government last month announced new legislation to make it clear that spiking – putting alcohol or drugs into another person’s drink or body without consent – is a crime.
Sir David Attenborough visited Imperial last month to film Dr Luke Muscutt’s robot plesiosaur, Flip.
In early November, Imperial Climate Action (ICA) and the Chemical Engineering Society teamed up to organise a climate cafe to discuss the question “How could the Chemical Engineering department become a leader in climate action?”.
In this series, Felix talks to the Union’s Officer Trustees. This week: Andreea Cojocea, DPW.
Data Science Institute’s founding director says military applications were examples used for ‘illustrative purposes’.
Answers to the crossword for Felix Issue #1835. Crossword by Stanley Scott.
How to share sound, smell, taste, and touch through the sense of sight.
In a new collaboration with exchange student Evelyn, she introduces her newest home in the corner of Heidelberg.
Katia Zykova provides a chemical and literary perspective on the acclaimed story of a murderer.
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