Anglo-French research venture “bridge of knowledge and learning” to Europe
Imperial College and France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) will co-host an international research centre on global issues
Imperial College and France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) will co-host an international research centre on global issues
Graduands from the Business School acted in a ‘rude and entitled manner’ as they left immediately after their procession in last week’s graduation ceremony
A new exhibition at the Design Museum explores the weird and the wonderful world of ASMR.
An astounding crafted deconstruction of the golden age musical
A look back at Aldous Huxley's landmark book Brave New World
This book can inspire biologists to appreciate the broad scope of biological research, and help non-biologists understand the importance of curiosity
I like to forget that you exist, but I only know this joy when you are remembered and the joy no longer lasts. A pleasure known with hindsight, a pleasure that will always last the memory of touch and skin and the kiss of corduroy linger. But memory fades like
As the audience enter the London Coliseum, the handmaids’ red jackets, symbols of their oppression, dangle on stage inhabited as if being worn by invisible figures.
Explore the familial dysfunction in a 'scientific' American family for a change.
This is a play about politics, not a political play.
The Procession, envisaged for the Tate Britain by Hew Locke, the famed British Sculptor and Visual Artist as part of the Tate Commission 2022, is a parade of elements
Life and death are complicated experiences. They both release a detritus of emotions that affect and shape not just the individual but everything around them.