Deadly snake venom better pain-killer than morphine
Black mamba venom proves to be more useful than meets the eye
Black mamba venom proves to be more useful than meets the eye
Stem cell research receives another vital boost. Fiona Hartley reports
There’s plenty more fish in the sea – or are there?
New technologies promise improved efficiency
Take a look at the stranger side of research at a new monthly event
A look at the SAFE Project, two years from its start
Exceptional life forms on earth may be a key to sustaining life on mars
Marvin Tan Xing Haw, Physics student at Imperial, has applied for a patent for a novel way to make electricity
Helen Wilkes takes a look at computing inspired by biology
Global warming is not bad for everything, it turns out
A step towards more environmentally friendly electronics is found in nature
Victoria Charlton on a surprising discovery and a resisitor that remembers