Felix Sexism Survey
Results of Felix's Sexism Survey

Over the past year, 10 articles and 231 comments have been written about sexism in science and at Imperial. Stephen Smith’s “Sexism at Imperial College” has been viewed over 7,500 times on the Felix website. Sexism is clearly an issue that concerns the Imperial community and 631 of you gave us your opinion by filling in the survey. Thank you.
Women have always been students at Imperial College, even though it has always been a strongly male dominated environment. A lot has changed over the past few decades: Helen Kemp Porter became the first woman lecturer at Imperial in 1959, women were first allowed into the union bar in 1972 and the ratio is slowly improving, currently at 63.7:36.3. Imperial is actually doing better than the national average for female undergraduates in SET, which was 33.2% in 2007-2008 compared to 35.29% at Imperial.
Update [16:07 – 25/05/2012] – In the print version that the survey results appeared in, it was incorrectly reported that the position of Imperial College Union LGBT officer would be "introduced" next academic year, despite the fact that it is already in place. Felix apologises for this error.