Happy Birthday Felix!
Monday 9th December will mark the 75th anniversary of Felix. This humble newspaper has seen many design changes, editorial changes, budget changes, and more. Scores of editors, writers, photographers, illustrators, and paid copyeditors have worked on the paper, ensuring that Imperial's student, staff and alumni are informed of what is happening across its campuses. Readerships, tastes and more have changed over the years as Felix has constantly evolved to remain relevant as a campus mainstay, whilst other papers, such as the controversial RAG Mag and Broadsheet, the Royal College of Science's newspaper, have died out. The post-war world of 1949 seems alien now, as the student body has become more diverse, with more students from backgrounds that would seem inconceivable in the late 1940s.
But Felix lives on. It's incredibly humbling to be part of a newspaper that has won awards, broken stories that have caught the interest both nationally and internationally, and resulted in the careers of some fantastic journalists.
We have computers more powerful than the systems that took us to the Moon in our pockets now. Our lives, diets and perspectives are enriched with profound novel experiences in the comforts of our homes.
75 years is a long time. It's cause to celebrate that student journalism at an institution such as Imperial, typically apolitical and disengaged with such things, still support our efforts.
We've decided to make a "fake" newspaper to celebrate. Students enjoy our Catnip (formerly Hangman, Coffee Break, FUCKWIT) section and we thought we would treat you to a bonus few articles this week. We have taken the time to look into the archive, and written more about some of the section that make Felix Felix, as well as analysing what Felix writes about all the time. Enjoy!