Sex Survey 2023/24 results
Imperial College students are known for their obsession with science, maths, and medicine, but where do they stand in terms of carnal competence and libidinous literacy? Here, we present our study of Imperial students’ sexual experience.

If you ever wondered whether Imperial has more repressed nerds who (over)explored their sexualities at university or refined scholars who’ve renounced the primitive desires of man, our 2024 Sex Survey has the answers. This year, we have dived into the Imperial id. We asked about your political views, turn-ons and offs, Rice Purity Scores, even where and when you first learned about sex. Our questions on sexual health shed light on safe sex practices at Imperial, after all, we still aim to educate.
With nearly 1500 responses, the results from the Sex Survey illuminated the darkest corners of Imperial’s debauchery: golden showers, bondage, and even real estate porn. However, we are happy to report that some trends have stood the test of time.
We have found that The Weeknd is still the most popular artist to have sex to, medicine and business students are still the hottest people according to other departments, and most responses still come from male physics students, for whose dedication we are ever grateful. Moreover, we have once again confirmed that should the Union and the library ever come under a UV-lamp they would light up brighter than Bonfire Night.
Our favourite results were painfully typical of Imperial students. A few people are turned on by a good maths problem or when the code compiles on the first try. The worst song to ever come up during sex is the national anthem, to which we ask, which one? Could it be to do with hearing the words “send him victorious, happy and glorious”? Before you dive into the following pages, we wish to thank all undergraduate, postgraduate students and alumni who spared a moment to take part in the survey. We hope you participate next year as a newcomer or as a veteran survey-taker.
Have you ever had a romantic sexual partner?

Age of losing virginity

Where did you meet your partner?

What pre-established relationship status do you need to have sex?

Number of partners by dating app

Body count: how many is too many?

Most attractive body parts
Guess the body part from the list: Arms, Legs, Abs, Face, Neck, Hair, Hip, Butt, Chest, Boobs, Eyes, Waist, Lips, Shoulder, Back, Hand, Thighs

I prefer if my partner shaves...

I shave my...

Do you watch porn?

Kinks and top porn categories

Do you use sex toys to masturbate?

Sex toys, self

Sex toys, with a partner

Turn ONs and Turn OFFs

Sexuality, gender and number of partners by department

Attractiveness, campus sex and kinks: by department

Which course is the most attractive?

Cheaters vs Cheated on by course

Sex on campus

Sex in the library

Sex in halls

Have you committed flatcest?

STI checks frequency, overall

Median number of partners, among STI testees

STI testing per department

On the aux
After three years, the Sex Survey resurfaced on Felix’s annual to-do list, and it was nothing short of a mammoth task. Although released to students in February, the survey work has been underway since December. We thank our dedicated team, Elif, Amy, Mohammad, Selina, Zanna, Jamie, Mike and Charlie, for writing questions. Jamie and Charlie processed data, and along with Mike and Ruby, generated the graphs you see in today’s spread. We extend a special thanks to our Chair and designer, Mike, whose iconic advertisements and layouts have made the 2024 edition of the Sex Survey one of the best this college has seen.