Sex Survey 2025

The hottest departments at Imperial

Only 41% of students date others at Imperial, but when they do...

This set of results is a part of the 2025 Felix Sex Survey.

The university’s reputation definitely does not aid student's prospects, yet it seems that there is a healthy split between those that date others at Imperial and those that don't. Never dating anyone from Imperial does not explicitly mean dating other universities’ students instead, anecdotally it does.

Last year's results revealed that many students date others from outside Imperial, predominantly those that study law or a similar humanities subject. To interested readers, LSE is only half an hour away on the Piccadilly line—and KCL is right across the street, too.

Imperial isn't that bad, though. We have seen our fair share of engineering hotties around campus. Walking across Sherfield or even spending an evening at FiveSixEight, Imperial has its eye-candy.

But what about personality? To that, we are rather stumped. University is a difficult time of trying to figure out who you are and what you like. Are you into girls or boys or no gender at all? Are you bi-curious or perhaps asexual? The questions flow out and all you can do is explore. And where do people explore? In their own departments, of course.

How many virgins per department?

Next up, we can discuss the percentage of virginity. A common joke and stereotype: Computing has the highest proportion of virgins. The data backs this up, with Bioengineers and Physics in second and third place. Departments with fewer than 30 respondents were not included.

Department dating

It is no surprise that people date within their own department. You walk into your lecture hall and check out the room to see two or three people you find attractive and those become your focus for the rest of the year—or worse, your entire degree.Therefore, some healthy variability comes from joining societies that are not based on your department. For example there seems to be a strong interaction between Civil Engineers and Aeronautics students. We can only guess that tall, cylindrical and sturdy objects can get the same two people in a mood.

Though less than half of survey-takers had dated someone at Imperial, the most-dated department was Physics, followed shortly by Aeronautics, Bioengineering, EEE/EIE, and Chemistry.

But what about the most popular departments? As always, Medicine and Design Engineering scored high. But this year a new runner entered the race and emerged on top: Biomedical Sciences. In fourth and fifth place were the Business School and Biology respectively.

The most prominent columns are the departments that people find most attractive

Most students find their own department the most attractive. Most so is Design Engineering, with 55% of the department having voted for themselves. Overall though, this year's most attractive departments were Biomedical Sciences and Medicine. It is still adorable that Earth Science finds Geophysics attractive and ChemEng has the hots for Chemistry.

From Issue 1866

Sex Survey Special

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