EU Xmas
Or, around the glorious federation in a delicious meal. Follow felix on a tour of some traditional christmas delicacies from countries across Europe. Bonus points if you’re sober at the end.
Or, around the glorious federation in a delicious meal. Follow felix on a tour of some traditional christmas delicacies from countries across Europe. Bonus points if you’re sober at the end.
It all started as friends in halls. The Christmas tradition started in 2008, and by 2009 we’d first discovered gingerbread together. Since then, it’s escalated, trying to be bigger and better each year. In a true Imperial spirit, we’ve taken a scientific, competitive approach.
felix visits Rococo Chocolates for a night of chocolate making paired with cheese and whiskey
Follow Andrada as she makes egg-stuffed mushroom, pan fried chicken breast and a simple salad for lunch
Lets be real – none of us can afford GBK anyhow. Fortunately, buying burger patties and cooking them up doesn’t get your hands too messy, and the results are delicious, as felix finds out.
Or , a strong argument for cooking your own food. felix investigates the what really goes on in many kitchens and why some of the practices might turn you away.
felix visits a new home for pancakes from around the world, Where the Pancakes Are, and devours culinary delights such as Dutch Babies, corn fritters, and more.
Follow Andrada as she tries to follow a recipe, takes a two hour detour and resigns to eating store bought cake while waiting for her pie to cook
felix follows Christy Lam during a gastronomical overload, as she indulges in an arguably hefty amount of delights, including but not limited to those of the turkish type.
Intrinsically manly, some might argue. felix investigates the rise of sous-vide technology, and how it can turn the most manly of dishes into something more refined.
Caught something you wish you hadn’t? Aside from some Acyclovir, this is the next best thing. felix takes a look at the classic flu-buster: Chicken soup
No, I’m not describing one of your sexcapades – that would lose me my job. Here’s a simple weeknight recipe for something you can really call home cooking.