
UCL UCU accused of ‘horrific incitement to violence and terror’

UCL UCU accused of ‘horrific incitement to violence and terror’
UCL UCU outside the Wilkins portico at University College London

The University College London (UCL) branch of the UCU trade union has been condemned after it voted to support a motion containing the slogan ‘intifada until victory’, calling for a ‘mass uprising’ in the Middle East.

 The language echoes that used by Imperial’s Marxist Society, which was banned from using the intifada slogan, and also called for a ‘mass uprising’.

 Like Imperial Marxist Society, UCL UCU said it ‘strongly condemn[ed] all forms of violence’ and called for ‘equal rights for all peoples’. Both groups also called for a ‘socialist federation of the Middle East’.

 The Union of Jewish Students responded to UCL UCU’s motion, calling it ‘a horrific incitement to violence and terror’. ‘We have written to UCL’s Provost to express disgust at the motion and call for urgent action in the wake of this.’

From Issue 1832

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