Minimalism sucks
Catnip writer Jilbert returns with his highly-acclaimed column “fuck this shit”
Catnip writer Jilbert returns with his highly-acclaimed column “fuck this shit”
South Kensington dog walkers were left shocked after visiting the ‘DogSoc x Kinky Club Top Ten Dogging Spots’ published last week. The collaboration project between the two societies aroused a few concerns, notably backlash from animal welfare activists, yet also gained a huge amount of publicity for the societies after
Imperial students living in Fulham prefer Vogue Blues to running shoes
Felix editor Juby Roy has been forced to resign after a background check of her online footprint. AlisonsCardigan13, a full-time Stan Twitter moderator, 22 Hat Winner, with a bachelor’s degree in English Literature with Folklore conducted the investigation, resurfacing the six-year-old anti-Swift tweets on Tuesday morning. The backlash since
“The current editor-in-chief doesn’t know anything about anything."
Scientists at Edinburgh University have revealed that every single lazy member of a uni team that never contributed to your group project is actually the same guy. Scottish Researchers in the Experimental Pedagogy Department have tracked down the man who is added to groups to work on a project before
Every academic year, the Imperial College Business School attracts eager young professionals from all over the world to join a community of students keen to sell their souls to the finance sector. We recently gained access to an unreleased copy of the Business School’s new list of course offerings.
The world Christian community has been rocked by revelations that God hasn’t been able to see or hear anything going on in churches for the last 1700 years due to the lead used in church roofs. Church leaders have revealed that the lead used to keep off the rain
Researchers at the University of Yorkshire have found that women who describe themselves as “not like other girls” are unlikely to significantly differ from their peers. Lead researcher, Feb Senton told NegaFelix that while this is a common claim, the science does not hold up the statistical significance of many
10 | Malaria This is a disease caused by tiny little worms. The fact that this disease is still causing us such problems is possibly a wakeup call. If humanity can’t beat little worms, then maybe we should just accept the L. Maybe humans just weren’t meant to be
This week climate scientists, were shocked by the readings on their instruments that showed that global temperatures had in fact dropped by 0.1 °C over the weekend. This is equivalent to 500 thousand tons of CO2 being removed from the atmosphere. This effect was found to be the result
JAMES, AN MI6 INSIDER, WHO KEPT HIS SURNAME A SECRET TO AVOID BEING IDENTIFIED The court case against an international crime boss has been setback by the refusal of MI6 officers to cooperate with the court case. Following years of investigations costing hundreds of thousands of pounds, mafia boss Jag