Horoscopes: 17th Jan 2024
Your weekly dose of star signs
Your weekly dose of star signs
Our Felix exclusive horoscope
Your weekly update on the positions of the stars
Well well well, what do the stars have in store for us this week? ARIES: This week its revealed covid spread so rapidly in china after a typo urged citizens to sneeze the means of production. TAURUS: This week you make a 5 minute hack video baklava out of printer
This week's astrological predictions
M. Meg, the NegaFelix mystic consultant provides you with the week's fortunes
What up stars!!! Give us the deets on what's in store this week. Aries: This week your selfesteem takes a further blow when you realise that your Tyler Durden is just your weird housemate. Taurus: This week seems as good a week as any to get into the
What's your fate this week? Are cabbages involved?
The stars are taking a break but Uranus has some things planned out for this week.
Wonder what the celestial orbs have in shop for us for these 7 days.
What do the stars have in store for us this week?